Tag Archives: The Fall of Delta Green

The Call of Chicago: The CAS For The UFO

“Another queer happening, of a totally different kind, occurred four or five years ago. A woman‐friend and I were out walking one night in a lane near Auburn, when a dark, lightless and silent object passed over us against the stars with projectile‐like speed. The thing was too large and swift for any bird, and […]

Pay What You Want for Free (RPG Day) adventures

Over the years, we’ve released a number of one-shot adventures for our systems during Free RPG Day, and we often get messages asking us for the PDFs. As we know everyone’s looking for more gaming opportunities at the moment, we’ve collected them all here, now. All we ask is that if you download, run and […]

Call of Chicago: Bug Hunters

Bugs! Everywhere you look there’s another kind of bug Makes you want to get a club and clout ’em Yes everybody’s talking bout the worrysome bugs But ain’t nobody doing nothing about ’em … Bugs! Everywhere you look there’s another type of bug But if ya live in the delta ya got ’em … — […]

Call of Chicago: The Shadow From the Office

For the long cases they seized proved upon opening to contain some exceedingly gruesome things; so gruesome, in fact, that the matter could not be kept quiet amongst the denizens of the underworld. — H.P. Lovecraft, The Case of Charles Dexter Ward Although DELTA GREEN keeps most of its attention focused north of Boston during […]

Call of Chicago: Once Upon a Time … in DELTA GREEN

“[S]ome day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall … go mad from the revelation …” — H.P. Lovecraft “Total paranoia is total consciousness.” — Charles Manson Like a certain recent Quentin Tarantino movie, The Fall of DELTA GREEN […]

Hazards of the Rung Sat Swamp

The upcoming Borellus Connection is a gigantic, titanic, cyclopean campaign for Fall of DELTA GREEN. It’s so huge, in fact, that it could not (in its original form) be contained by any binding ritual that could be worked by our printers. It was just huge. Therefore, we’ve a got a wealth of cut material from the campaign that […]

See the Black Book GM Tools, then Join the Beta!

by Steven Hammond Gen Con was a blast this year. I played a few games, talked to people I only see at Gen Con, and spent several hours helping out in the Pelgrane Booth. I had fun chatting with all the GUMSHOE and Black Book fans that stopped by. If you picked up a flyer […]

Call of Chicago: Project BLUE BOOK Talking Blues

“Fly the ocean in a silver plane See the jungle when it’s wet with rain Just remember till you’re home again You belong to me. I’ll be so alone without you Maybe you’ll be lonesome too, and blue.” — Jo Stafford, “You Belong to Me” (1963 cover version) In March 1952, U.S. Air Force General […]

See Page XX: DELTA GREEN Meets the Dreamhounds (Part 1)

In a previous post, I floated the idea of using events from a prior Dreamhounds of Paris series as backstory in The Fall of Delta Green. This column, first in a two part series, dives deeper on that with a series of FoDG plot hooks centered around the historical figures from the earlier book who […]

Call of Chicago: Pulling Strings, Part 2

Last month we began our perilous exploration of that darkest of all Fall of DELTA GREEN labyrinths: the Federal bureaucracy. More specifically, and contra JFK, we explored what that bureaucracy could do for you — or for your Agent, as he deploys his Bureaucracy ability  in the course of the campaign. (See our previous installment […]

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