Tag Archives: Book of Ages

The Book of Sandboxes

Talk is again turning in Pelgrane Towers to my infrequently-written 13th Age campaign, Prophet of the Pyre, and when I’ll actually get around to delivering it. The first third of the campaign is set in a self-contained valley in the mountains, and that concept of the local sandbox can be useful tool for a 13th […]

13th Age: 5 Secret Societies of the College Arcane

At the Imperial College of the Arcane, students struggle to master the art of magic, both theoretical and applied. And wherever there are students laboring under intense pressure—both academic and social—there will always be student societies. Most tend to be small, informal groups of close friends. However, some are powerful secret societies whose histories span […]

The Plain People of Gaming: The Broken Princess

The upcoming Book of Ages describes dozens of potential ancient Icons, the heroes and villains of past Ages of the Dragon Empire, from the Enchantress to the Explorer to the Steel Colossus and the Zealot. These Icons once bestrode the world. Some vanished when the wheel of history turned and their power faded; some endured […]

Why the winds hate elves and other stories

The upcoming Book of Ages includes the Engine of the Ages, a Microscope-like tool for collaboratively generating your own history of the Dragon Empire. Each player tells the tale of one faction (usually, one associated with their player character), while the GM mixes in other groups that may play a part in the campaign. The […]

The Order of the Ages

My current project (ONE of my current projects, so many current projects) is the (provisionally-titled) Book of Ages, for 13th Age. It’s mostly a grab bag of “cool stuff from previous Ages” – monsters, magic, feats, legends, adventure seeds – but here’s one of the early sections, discussing persnickety world-building questions and assumptions.  * * […]

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