3 Cursed Magic Items for Friday the 13th Age

Punch - King of Puppets, frontispieceTraditionally in the West, Friday the 13th is a day of calamity: plans go awry, every advantage is met with a disadvantage, and any act can have unintended consequences.

In that spirit, here are three cursed magic items for the 13th Age roleplaying game:

Mr. Punch’s Hat (+2 armor at adventurer tier): Once per day when you drop an enemy to 0 hp with an attack using a melee weapon, you can shriek, “That’s the way to do it!” in a grating, high-pitched voice to gain a +2 bonus to your next attack with that weapon this battle. If you do, you take a –2 penalty to MD until the end of the battle. Quirk: Violence is always the answer.

Wand of Misrule (+2 implement at adventurer tier): You take a –1 penalty to skill checks based on Wisdom. When you score a critical hit while using this implement, the target is confused (save ends). If the natural attack roll is 1–5, a random nearby ally takes 1d6 psychic damage. Quirk: Speaks in riddles.

Staff of Misrule (+3 implement at champion tier): You take a –2 penalty to skill checks based on Wisdom. When you score a critical hit while using this implement, the target takes 1d6 psychic damage and is confused (save ends), and you can make a second attack against a nearby or far away enemy. If you roll a natural 1–5 on the second attack, you take 1d6 psychic damage and are confused (save ends). Quirk: Has contempt for authority.


13th Age answers the question, “What if Rob Heinsoo and Jonathan Tweet, lead designers of the 3rd and 4th editions of the World’s Oldest RPG, had free rein to make the d20-rolling game they most wanted to play?” Create truly unique characters with rich backgrounds, prepare adventures in minutes, easily build your own custom monsters, and enjoy fast, freewheeling battles full of unexpected twists. Purchase 13th Age in print and PDF at the Pelgrane Shop.

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