Campaign Cartographer 3


Try out new rules and ideas for the GUMSHOE system

Here you'll find new beta rules for the GUMSHOE system. Most have been emailed in as a result of actual play, or have been suggested by people working on the project. As a result of feedback, rules will be removed, made optional or even included in the core system.

How to use this area

Download (or just cut and paste) the rule you want to test. If you want to try it, please post your feedback on the associated thread. If there isn't a thread with that title, please feel free to add one.

New Abilities

Pathology (Investigative, Academic)

Used in: Esoterrorists, Unremitting Horror

You are trained in carrying out medical examinations of living human subjects and forming diagnoses based on your findings.

You can:

  • diagnose probable causes of sickness or injury
  • identify the extent and cause of an unconscious person’s trauma
  • detect when a person is suffering from a physically debilitatin
  • condition such as drug addiction, pregnancy or malnutrition
  • establish a person’s general level of health
  • identify medical abnormalities

If you have eight or more points in Medic you get Pathology 1 for free.

Combat Enhancements

Here are a few combat rule enhancements to try out.

A chance of missing. A roll of 1 on a Shooting or Scuffling roll is always a miss. If your Shooting or Scuffling rating is 8 or higher, you can roll at one higher difficulty than normal to take aim and overcome this.

Damage enhancement version 1.Before damage is rolled after a Scuffling hit, you can spend Scuffling points to increase damage. This value is added to the damage roll, but can never go above the maximum for the weapon you are using.

Damage enhancement version 2.Before damage is rolled after a Scuffling hit, you can spend Scuffling points to increase damage. This value is added to the damage roll.